Pamirškite žaliuosius kokteilius, susipažinkite su Core. Core sudėtis paremta mokslu, o viename pakelyje, iš kurio lengva siurbčioti, yra įvairių maistinių medžiagų. 1 uncija šio žaliojo galiūno detoksikuoja jūsų kūną, stiprina imunitetą, suteikia būtinųjų vitaminų ir mineralų bei mažina uždegimą. Dar niekada nebuvo taip lengva suvartoti žalumynų.
There is an extremely small percentage of human beings across the globe that get their greens. So, we created a super-condensed, powerful packet that gives you exactly that. Core provides detoxification for your organs, a boost to your immune system, and support at the cellular level.
It’s green. It’s strong. It’s beautifully simple.
black cumin seed: One of the most widely-used seeds in the world. Its high antioxidant concentration, vitamin and mineral profile, as well as chemical compounds make it a powerhouse that’s both scientifically and historically-backed.
kale: One of the original superfoods. Packed with sulfur, dietary fiber, and more. Kale may support the digestion and absorption of fat, and the regulation of blood sugar.
cranberry seed: Contains high levels of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids , phospholipids, phytosterols, and large amounts of antioxidants.
spirulina: A green algae, spirulina may help enhance brain function, improve white blood cell count, and liver health.
milk thistle: One of the world’s most powerful liver detoxifiers. The oil that we extract from this seed is rich with antioxidants and other cleansing compounds.
wheat grass: A superfood whose nutrient profile encompasses a heavy concentration of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. For more ingredient information, see our site. Super greens for super health.